Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand (Star War...
Aaron AllstonNot since Emperor Palpatine have the Jedi battled such monstrous evil. Unless they succeed against staggering odds, the galaxy is doomed.Luke Skywalker's daring mission to halt the Yuuzhan Vong's nefarious plot to overthrow the New Re...
Fury (Star Wars: Legacy of the Force,...
Aaron AllstonFighting alongside the Corellian rebels, Han and Leia are locked in a war against their son Jacen, who grows more powerful and more dangerous with each passing day. Nothing can stop Jacen’s determination to bring peace with a gl...
Exile (Star Wars: Legacy of the Force...
Aaron AllstonEvil is on the move as the Galactic Alliance and Jedi Order battle forces seen and unseen, from rampant internal treachery to the nightmare of all-out war in this fourth original novel featuring the classic heroes in the epic nine-boo...
Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream (Star Wars...
Aaron AllstonThe New Republic confronts its most dangerous challenge with the Yuuzhan Vong's invasion of Coruscant and the New Republic Advisory Council's disastrous appeasement policies, until Luke Skywalker risks everything to undertake a perilo...
Betrayal (Star Wars: Legacy of the Fo...
Aaron AllstonThe hunt for Warlord Zsinj intensifies as Alliance officials realize he's a growing danger and threat to the Imperials. The hunt for his ship the Iron Fist is underway as Rogue Squadron and Wraith Squadron unite under Wedge's command ...
Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Convicti...
Aaron AllstonNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERThe Jedi have struck a blow against tyranny. Can they strike down ultimate evil? Chief of State Natasi Daala has been overthrown, and the Jedi Order has taken control of the Galactic Alliance. But while the ...