Suicide Squad Vol. 2: Basilisk Rising...
Adam GlassAs the surviving Squad members attempt to recover from their disastrous Gotham City mission, we learn a dark secret that has been festering in the team since issue #1: a traitor stalks the Suicide Squad! The saboteur's mission: Assas...
Suicide Squad Vol. 1: Kicked in the T...
Adam GlassAs a part of the acclaimed DC Comics—The New 52 event of September 2011, writer and co-creator of the CW show Supernatural Adam Glass rolls out an all-new team of death-row super villains recruited by the government to take on missi...
Suicide Squad Vol. 3: Death is for Su...
Adam GlassThe Suicide Squad returns with an action packed tie-in to the Batman "Death of the Family" story!As the Suicide Squad closes in on Basilisk leader Regulus, Deadshot and Harley discover multiple Basilisk sleeper agents within...