Gun Street Girl: A Detective Sean Duf...
Adrian McKintyBelfast, 1985, amidst the "Troubles": Detective Sean Duffy, a Catholic cop in the Protestant RUC (Royal Ulster Constabulary), struggles with burn-out as he investigates a brutal double murder and suicide. Did Michael Kelly...
Police at the Station and They Don't ...
Adrian McKintyBelfast 1988: A man is found dead, killed with a bolt from a crossbow in front of his house. This is no hunting accident. But uncovering who is responsible for the murder will take Detective Sean Duffy down his most dangerous road yet...
Police at the Station and They Don't ...
Adrian McKintyAnother thrilling mystery featuring Detective Sean Duffy and his most dangerous investigation yetBelfast, 1988. A man is found dead, killed with a bolt from a crossbow in front of his house. This is no hunting accident. But uncovering...
Rain Dogs: A Detective Sean Duffy Nov...
Adrian McKintyIt's just the same things over and again for Sean Duffy: riot duty, heartbreak, cases he can solve but never get to court. But what detective gets two locked-room mysteries in one career? When journalist Lily Bigelow is found dead i...
Rain Dogs: A Detective Sean Duffy Nov...
Adrian McKintyRain Dogs, a stunning installment in the Sean Duffy thriller series, following the Edgar Award-nominated Gun Street Girl, is ""another standout in a superior series"" (Booklist).It's just the same things over and again for Sean Duffy:...