The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Se...
Alice MillerWhy are many of the most successful people plagued by feelings of emptiness and alienation? This wise and profound book has provided thousands of readers with an answer—and has helped them to apply it to their own lives.Far too many...
The Untouched Key: Tracing Childhood ...
Alice MillerOne troubled child channels her pain into art; another vents his anguish in destructive acts. What makes the critical difference in the way each translates childhood suffering? Combing the life histories of Picasso, Buster Keaton, Nie...
The Truth Will Set You Free: Overcomi...
Alice MillerMore than twenty years ago, a little-known Swiss psychoanalyst wrote a book that changed the way many people viewed themselves and their world. In simple but powerful prose, the deeply moving Drama of the Gifted Child showed how paren...