Alton Gansky

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Ship Possessed, A

Alton Gansky

The USS Triggerfish--an American World War II submarine--has come home over fifty years after she was presumed lost in the Atlantic. Now her dark gray hulk lies embedded in the sand of a San Diego beach, her conning tower barely above...

Published: Mar 1999

Prodigy, The

Alton Gansky

Toby is a little boy who was born to a poor, uneducated single mother in a rural North Carolina community. He is extremely intelligent, particularly for a boy raised in an intellectually impoverished environment, and he seems to have ...

Published: May 2001

Sixty People Who Shaped the Church: L...

Alton Gansky

The Church exists today in its current form because of the people who have come before us. Who were those people? Staid and dour scholars? Cultural movers and shakers? How does their contribution to history affect us today?From a cons...

Published: May 2014
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