Wicked Bugs: The Louse That Conquered...
Amy StewartAmy Stewart follows her wildly successful national bestseller Wicked Plants with an investigation of the insects, worms, and spiders that have tormented humankind for centuries.
The Earth Moved: On the Remarkable Ac...
Amy StewartThey destroy plant diseases. They break down toxins. They plough the earth. They transform forests. They've survived two mass extinctions, including the one that wiped out the dinosaur. Not bad for a creature that's deaf, blind, and s...
The Drunken Botanist: The Plants That...
Amy StewartEvery great drink starts with a plant. Sake began with a grain of rice. Scotch emerged from barley. Gin was born from a conifer shrub when medieval physicians boiled juniper berries with wine to treat stomach pain. The Drunken Botanis...
Wicked Bugs: The Louse That Conquered...
Amy StewartAmy Stewart follows her wildly successful national bestseller Wicked Plants with an investigation of the insects, worms, and spiders that have tormented humankind for centuries.