Emotionally shattered, a soldier slowly repairs her life in the picturesque town of Perfect, Indiana…Cory Marcel worked tirelessly over eight grueling years to develop a successful military career. After her commanding officer viole...
In the picturesque tiny town of Perfect, Indiana, a down-but-not-out career gal clashes with a soldier hiding a painful secret…Paige Langford has it all: wealth, beauty, and ambition. But when her boyfriend's betrayal costs her both...
Steal away on a journey to the heartland, where a wounded soldier meets the one woman who could be his new beginning… Noah Langford narrowly survived the roadside bombing in Iraq that cost him his leg and forever his peace of mind. ...
A time-travel romance for fans of Diana Gabaldon and Jane Stain.To set him free from an ancient curse, she must travel to a time of myth and legend…Regan MacCarthy's ability to see ghosts is a gift inherited from her Irish ancestors...