It's 1950's Ireland. As a deep, bewildering fog cloaks Dublin, a young woman is found to have vanished. When Phoebe Griffin, still haunted by the horrors of her past, is unable to discover news of her friend; Quirke, fresh from drying...
It has been two years since the events of Christine Falls, the bestselling novel that introduced the world to an irascible Dublin pathologist named Quirke. Quirke's beloved Sarah has died, his surrogate father lies paralyzed by a stro...
Set in Dublin and Boston in the 1950s, the story of a surly, hard-drinking pathologist named Quirke who uncovers a conspiracy that begins with his brother-inlaw and reaches deep into Dublin's Catholic society--and into his own past.
One of The Chicago Tribune's Best Reads of 2011.One of Dublin's most powerful men meets a violent end—and an acknowledged master of crime fiction delivers his most gripping novel yet.On a sweltering summer afternoon, newspaper tyco...
A bizarre suicide leads to a scandal and then still more blood in Vengeance as Benjamin Black, one of our most brilliant crime novelists, reveals a world where money and sex trump everything.It's a fine day for a sail, and Victor Del...
The Black-Eyed Blonde: A Philip Marlo...
Benjamin Black"SOMEWHERE RAYMOND CHANDLER IS SMILING . . . I LOVED THIS BOOK. IT WAS LIKE HAVING AN OLD FRIEND, ONE YOU ASSUMED WAS DEAD, WALK INTO THE ROOM."--Stephen King"It was one of those summer Tuesday afternoons when you begin...