Bisco Hatori

1-2 of 2

Millennium Snow, Volume 1 (Millennium...

Bisco Hatori

17-year-old Chiyuki Matsuoka was born with heart problems, and her doctors say she won't live to see the next snow. Touya is an 18-year-old vampire who hates blood and refuses to make the traditional partnership with a human, whose li...

Published: Apr 2007

Ouran High School Host Club, Volume 5...

Bisco Hatori

In this sharp-witted romantic comedy about the clash of the classes (of all kinds), a poor girl at a rich kids' school ends up working at the school's toniest club-and gets mistaken for a boy!In this high anticipated title, a kind of ...

Published: Mar 2006
  • 1-2 of 2


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