Tormented by her violent past at the hands of a brutal sheikh, Badra, rescued from his evil grasp, unexpectedly finds love in the arms of the Duke of Caldwell's son, a native of Egypt also known as Khepri. Original.
Immortal Wolf (Silhouette Nocturne)
Bonnie VanakExiled to a life of extreme loneliness because everyone she touches dies, Emily Burke has every reason to distrust Raphael Robichaux. The immortal werewolf possesses immense power and has been summoned by her pack to end her life. And...
The Shadow Wolf: The Shadow WolfDarkn...
Bonnie VanakOn the run from authorities, gutsy Megan Moraine knows shadow wolves like herself have no place in this world. But she's still prepared to do anything to protect her young charges. That resolve is tested when the trio is captured by G...