Dark Whispers: The Unicorn Chronicles...
Bruce CovilleIn the much-anticipated third volume of the Unicorn Chronicles, Cara Diana Hunter journeys to the Valley of the Centaurs in quest of a mysterious lost story that could hold the key to the survival of the unicorns. But the price for...
Into the Land of the Unicorns (Unicor...
Bruce CovilleOn a snowy night Cara and her grandmother are pursued into St. Christopher's church by an unknown man. Clutching her grandmother's mysterious amulet, and following the old woman's instructions, Cara escapes their pursuer and falls int...
The Last Hunt (The Unicorn Chronciles...
Bruce CovilleIn the center if Luster stands an enormous tree called the Axis Mundi, the Heart of the World. But now that tree is wounded, pierced through by magic. And through that wound marches an army of Hunters, led by the sinister and vengeful...