In this electrifying tale of suspense from an international crime-writing sensation, a grisly death exposes the dark heart of a Scandinavian seaside village. Erica Falck returns to her tiny, remote hometown of Fjällbacka, Sweden, aft...
Now in paperback, the brilliant new psychological thriller from worldwide bestseller Camilla Läckberg—the chilling struggle of a young woman facing the darkest chapter of Europe's past. Crime writer Erica Falck is shocked to discov...
From the #1 international bestseller and Swedish crime sensation, Camilla Lackberg's latest psychological thriller ensnares Detective Patrik Hedstrom in a confounding new murder case. Detective Patrik Hedstrom is no stranger to traged...
Now in paperback: A string of suspicious deaths points to a potential serial killer who has turned his eye toward Fjallbacka and her dark forests, where two children vanished decades before. A local woman is killed in a tragic car cra...
Hot on the heels of her phenomenal American debut, The Ice Princess, Camilla LÄckberg brings readers back to the quiet, isolated fishing village in Sweden where dangerous secrets lie just beneath the community's tranquil surface.Duri...