A mysterious house harbors an unimaginable secret...It's wartime, and the Carver family decides to leave the capital where they live and move to a small coastal village. But from the minute they cross the threshold of their new home, ...
This best-selling Spanish novel (translated into English by Lucia Graves) begins with a young boy named Daniel, who discovers a strange, forgotten novel in a bookstore: it's called THE SHADOW OF THE WIND, and the rumor is that its aut...
The Prisoner of Heaven: A Novel (P.S....
Carlos Ruiz ZafonOnce again, internationally acclaimed, New York Times bestselling author Carlos Ruiz ZafÓn creates a rich, labyrinthine tale of love, literature, passion, and revenge, set in a dark, gothic Barcelona, in which the heroes of The Shado...
From the author of the international phenomenon The Shadow of the Wind, comes a riveting new masterpiece about love, literature, and betrayal. In this powerful, labyrinthian thriller, David Martín is a pulp fiction writer struggling...