Bonded By Blood (Wahida Clark Present...
CashFrom her deathbed, where HIV is choking away her last breaths, Black Girl, an infamous ex-prostitute of Atlanta s Auburn Avenue ho stroll, exacts two promises from her three young teen-aged sons, Khalil, B-Man, and Quantavious. She do...
TRUST NO MAN is an urban street tale told in such vivid detail and with such gritty and compelling style it s like watching a movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Terrence aka Youngblood is a young and j...
Trust No Man Part 2: Disloyalty Is Un...
CashThe streets of ATL are about to get hotter than lava after Youngblood is snatched up and beaten down by unknown thugs. Vowing fatal revenge on his attackers, Youngblood is released from the hospital only to return home and discover th...