Grant and Sherman: The Friendship Tha...
Charles Bracelen Flood'We were as brothers,' William Tecumseh Sherman said, describing his relationship with Ulysses S. Grant. They were incontestably two of the most important figures in the Civil War, but until now there has been no book about their vict...
1864: Lincoln at the Gates of History...
Charles Bracelen FloodIn a masterly narrative, historian and novelist Charles Bracelen Flood brings to life the drama of Abraham Lincoln's final year, in which he oversaw the final campaigns of the Civil War, was re-elected president, and laid out his visi...
1864: Lincoln at the Gates of History...
Charles Bracelen FloodIn a masterful narrative, historian and biographer Charles Bracelen Flood brings to life the drama of Lincoln's final year, in which he oversaw the last campaigns of the Civil War, was reelected as president, and laid out his majestic...
Grant's Final Victory: Ulysses S. Gra...
Charles Bracelen FloodIn a masterful narrative, prominent historian Charles Bracelen Flood brings to life the last year of Ulysses S. Grant's life---a tragic, poignant, and inspiring story of fierce determination.