When the Enemy Strikes: The Keys to W...
Charles F. StanleyAt some point every Christian will experience a satanic attack-a willful, determined assault by the Devil to harm our spirit, soul, or body. God wants Christians to be under His control, but the Enemy will do his best to destroy every...
Discover Your Destiny: God Has More T...
Charles F. StanleyNow available in trade paper, Discover Your Destiny explores how God's grace and love can strengthen, rebuild, and restore. Stanley guides readers to eternal, unshakable hope based on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that can...
30 Life Principles, Revised and Updat...
Charles F. StanleyIn this revised and updated 30-lesson study guide, Dr. Charles Stanley guides readers through 30 Life Principles found in God's Word that have shaped and changed his life. God has given these principles to guide, comfort, instruct, an...
Do you want a deeper relationship with God, to sense His presence, to feel His guidance, and to learn His ways? In The Gift of Prayer, trusted pastor and bestselling author Dr. Charles Stanley explains that prayer ushers us into the t...