A delightful new series featuring two sleuthing sisters who run the Hemlock Falls Inn. While Sarah takes care of business, her sister Meg runs the inn's kitchen. During the annual History Days festival, a mock witch stoning takes a gr...
Co-owners of the Hemlock Falls Inn, Sarah and Meg Quilliam are called upon to assist unpopular newspaperman Henrick Conway, a nosy reporter whose latest expose+a7 has resulted in the warning deaths of two of his relatives.
The first two Hemlock Falls mysteries—a winning recipe for mystery lovers. A Taste for Murder takes readers to the festival at Hemlock Falls, featuring a reenactment of the 17th-century witch trials. But this year the mock execu...
The Case of the Ill-Gotten Goat
Claudia BishopAnimals—and justice—have found their hero in Dr. McKenzie. When a randy milk inspector is found dead in 400 gallons of goat milk, veterinarian Austin McKenzie and his wife Madeline will have to cull a killer from a herd of suspect...
The Case of the Roasted Onion (Berkle...
Claudia BishopMeet the McKenzies. On their farm nestled in upstate Trumansburg, New York, veterinarian Austin McKenzie and his wife Madeline keep themselves busy looking after a variety of ailing farm animals and pets in poor health. But while t...
Death Dines Out (Hemlock Falls Myster...
Claudia BishopSarah and Meg Quilliam, operators of upstate New York's Inn at Hemlock Falls, agree to help socialite Tiffany Taylor with her charity work in Florida, only to become caught in the middle of a murderous fight between Tiffany and her ex...