Caught between the covers of a cursed story… Ever since the extraordinary events of Inkspell, when the enchanted book Inkheart drew Meggie and her father, Mo, into its chapters, life in the Inkworld has been more tragic than magical...
After learning that humans are headed toward his hidden home, Firedrake, a silver dragon, is joined by a brownie and an orphan boy in a quest to find the legendary valley known as the Rim of Heaven, encountering friendly and unfriendl...
Twelve-year-old Meggie learns that her father, who repairs and binds books for a living, can 'read' fictional characters to life when one of those characters abducts them and tries to force him into service. Read by Lynn Redgrave. Boo...
In the captivating sequel to Inkheart, a year has passed and times have changed, but Meggie, Dustfinger, and Farid long for the past, and will do anything to find that special place in Inkheart again. Read by Brendan Fraser. Simultane...
Igraine, who turns twelve tomorrow, dreams of becoming a famous knight. But today, like most days, life at the family castle remains . . . rather boring. Until the nefarious nephew of the baroness-next-door shows up. Greedy OsmundR...
It was autumn in Venice when Victor first heard of Prosper and Bo. The canals, gleaming in the sun, dappled the ancient brickwork with gold. But the wind was blowing ice-cold air from the sea, reminding Venetians that winter was appro...
Reckless: Reckless, Book 1 (Reckless ...
Cornelia FunkeFor years, Jacob Reckless has been escaping to another world--a world behind the mirror, where witches haunt the forests and fairies and dwarfs roam. A world for treasure hunts and magnificent quests--but also a world locked in a dead...
Ghosthunters and the Totally Moldy Ba...
Cornelia FunkeGloomsburg Castle is hopping with hiccups, a Totally Moldy Baroness looking to take over, and some particularly awful Tiny Biting Ghosts. Naturally, Tom and his gang of ghost hunters take charge and straighten things out. With illustr...
The masterful conclusion to the epic, award-winning, NYT bestselling INKHEART trilogy by internationally acclaimed author Cornelia Funke.The Adderhead--his immortality bound in a book by Meggie's father, Mo--has ordered his henchmen t...