America's most advanced miltary unit rebels against the very government it's trying to protect in this pulse-pounding military thriller chock-full of suspense, adventure, and high-tech weaponry. Following their success in crushing an...
Following their success in crushing Iran's hostility in Strike Force, General Patrick McLanahan's new "Aerospace Battle Force" has grown into a full-fledged space-based task force, based in orbit on the Armstrong Space Stati...
Target Utopia: A Dreamland Thriller
Dale BrownIs there a traitor at Dreamland?When Muslim extremists are found with a mysterious UAV in the Malaysian part of Borneo, Colonel Danny Freah and his Whiplash team are sent to investigate. They discover that Dreamland's drone technology...
The Kremlin Strike Low Price CD
Dale BrownIn this exciting, visionary, and all-too-plausible next chapter in the legendary Dale Brown's New York Times bestselling techno-warfare series, Brad McLanahan and the Iron Wolf Squadron must fight the Russians on a dangerous, untested...
"For the Tom Clancy crowd, Brown remains the go-to guy." — BooklistOn a remote island estate, a billionaire investor sells his air freight company to the devious president of Russia, Gennadiy Gryzlov. The Russians ar...
Razor's Edge: A Dreamland Thriller
Dale BrownWhen America is in peril, America's top-guns must answer the call.In the Nevada desert, the high-tech tools of tomorrow's wars are being conceived and tested at a top-secret military facility called Dreamland—where the impossible be...