The Further Adventures of Sherlock Ho...
Daniel StashowerSir Arthur Conan Doyle's timeless creation returns in a new series of handsomely designed, long out-of-print detective stories. From the earliest days of Holmes' career to his astonishing encounters with Martian invaders, the 'Further...
The Hour of Peril: The Secret Plot to...
Daniel Stashower"It's history that reads like a race-against-the-clock thriller." —Harlan CobenDaniel Stashower, the two-time Edgar award–winning author of The Beautiful Cigar Girl, uncovers the riveting true story of the "Baltimo...
The Hour of Peril: The Secret Plot to...
Daniel StashowerDIV/DIVPB“It's history that reads like a race-against-the-clock thriller.”/BB—/BIHarlan Coben/I/PPDaniel Stashower, the two-time Edgar award–winning author of IThe Beautiful Cigar Girl/I, uncovers the riveting true story of t...