In the Company of Liars is that rare animal - a truly original thriller, strikingly fresh and unpredictable. Told chronologically in reverse, from its enigmatic end to its brilliant beginning, it's centered around a woman on trial for...
"Life's Not a Rehearsal" confirms for us that there are No Repeat Performances! Unlike the blockbuster Hollywood stories, real life offers us no repeat performances. The show must go on. We have no high paid, well-known prod...
Breach of Trust (Berkley Prime Crime)...
David EllisOn the night his wife and infant daughter died, attorney Jason Kolarich was awaiting a call from an informant. He blames himself not only for the deaths of his family, but for the informant's murder as well. Kolarich can't bring back ...
Investment banker Marty Kalish's adulterous romance with Rachel Reinhardt becomes potentially life-threatening when Marty takes the rap for shooting Rachel's husband. This is a classically-plotted thriller, leading from the crime to t...
Paul Riley has built a lucrative career based on his famous prosecution of Terry Burgos, who gruesomely murdered six girls. Now, fifteen years later, the police are confronted with a new series of murders and mutilations. Riley realiz...
Jason Kolarich is a Chicago attorney with a lineman's build, a razor- sharp intellect-and the grief of a tragic personal loss. When an estranged childhood friend is charged with murder, Kolarich must create a solid defense-even while ...
Long before there were books, there were spirits, demons, djinns. Many were of no consequence, idle beings with no interest in humanity, some, kindly, eager to help, visiting anxious souls in their final sleep to provide reassurance....
"Wildly entertaining."New York Times Book Review From the bestselling and award-winning author comes a wickedly clever and fast-paced novel of greed, revenge, obsession—and quite possibly the perfect murder. ...