In the sequel to First Truth, a skeptical Alissa must draw on the ancient magical talents she has inherited from her father to resist the First Truth, a powerful book of magic that seeks to control Alissa and her magical gifts and tha...
Despite her refusal to believe in magic, Alissa is sent to the Hold, a legendary fortress where human Keepers learn the art of magic from the Masters, joining forces on her journey with Strell, a wandering musician, to find her destin...
Sent back in time after a spell goes horribly wrong, Alissa, separated from her lover by four hundred years, finds herself slowly losing her ability to shapeshift and in danger of being permanently changed into her bestial form, with ...
When Alissa's dreams lead her to a distant island where she discovers countless Masters alive and part of a flourishing magical society, she finds that she may need to be rescued as she rebels against the Master's leader Keribdis, end...