Deborah Cadbury

1-4 of 4

Dreams of Iron and Steel: Seven Wonde...

Deborah Cadbury

An award-winning historian takes a close-up look at seven extraordinary nineteenth-century engineering accomplishments that transformed the history of the modern world, including the construction of the London sewers, the Panama Canal...

Published: Jan 2005

Chocolate Wars: The 150-Year Rivalry ...

Deborah Cadbury

With a cast of characters that wouldn't be out of place in a Victorian novel, Chocolate Wars tells the story of the great chocolatier dynasties, through the prism of the Cadburys. Chocolate was consumed unrefined and unprocessed as a ...

Published: Oct 2011

Princes at War: The Bitter Battle Ins...

Deborah Cadbury

In 1936, the British monarchy faced the greatest threats to its survival in the modern era-the crisis of abdication and the menace of Nazism. The fate of the country rested in the hands of George V's sorely unequipped sons:•a stammer...

Published: Mar 2016

Queen Victoria's Matchmaking: The Roy...

Deborah Cadbury

A captivating exploration of the role in which Queen Victoria exerted the most international power and influence: as a matchmaking grandmother.As her reign approached its sixth decade, Queen Victoria's grandchildren numbered over thir...

Published: Apr 2019
  • 1-4 of 4


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