Nine-year-old Carrie Parker and her mother, Libby, are making a fresh start in the small town of Hartsville, North Carolina, ready to put their turbulent past behind them. Violence has shattered their family and left Libby nearly unab...
Narrated with simplicity and unabashed honesty, Elizabeth Flock's critically acclaimed New York Times bestselling novel Me & Emma is a vivid portrayal of a child's indomitable spirit, her incredible courage and the heartbreaking loss ...
From the INew York Times bestselling author of IMe Emma comes one woman's unforgettable story about what it is to lose control as the world watches, and to figure out what went so very wrong. P PWhile breaking the hottest news sto...
Once defined by her career and independence, stay-at-home mom Samantha Friedman finds that her days have been reduced to errands, car pools and suburban gossip. What was an easy decision for Sam years ago has become a nagging awarenes...
Nine-year-old Carrie Parker and her mother, Libby, are making a fresh start in the small town of Hartsville, North Carolina, ready to put their turbulent past behind them. Violence has shattered their family and left Libby nearly unab...