A story of a man brought to reckon with his buried past. Reverend Martin comes face to face with the sins of his youth in the person of Robert X, a young, unkempt stranger who arrives in town for a mysterious 'meeting' with the Revere...
Set on a Louisiana sugarcane plantation in the 1970s, A Gathering of Old Men is a powerful depiction of racial tensions arising over the death of a Cajun farmer at the hands of a black man. 'Poignant, powerful, earthy...a novel of Sou...
The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittma...
Ernest J. GainesMiss Jane Pittman. She is one of the most unforgettable heroines in American fiction, a woman whose life has come to symbolize the struggle for freedom, dignity, and justice. Ernest J. Gaines's now-classic novel—written as an autobi...
Set in a small Cajun community in the late 1940s, 'A Lesson Before Dying' is an 'enormously moving' ('Los Angeles Times') novel of one man condemned to die for a crime he did not commit and a young man who visits him in his cell. In t...
A Lesson Before Dying (Oprah's Book C...
Ernest J. GainesGrant Wiggins, a college-educated man who returns to his hometown to teach, forms an unlikely bond with Jefferson, a young Black man convicted of murder and sentenced to death, when he is asked to impart his learning and pride to the ...