AIO Novacom Saga: 10 Hours of Action-...
FocusOriginally aired during 2000/2002. When Novacom Broadcasting moves in to the town of Odyssey, it gives every impression of being a reputable, family-friendly media company—until the unexplained events begin. Whit finds hidden camera...
Bible Eyewitness: The Hall of Faith: ...
FocusEveryone is reaching for stardom in today's culture. American Idol singers, movie stars, and athletes who make it into the Hall of Fame are revered the most . . . but what does God think? He tells us in Hebrews 11. Called The Hall of ...
The Best Small Town (Adventures in Od...
FocusIIt's time for the annual 'Best Small Town in America' national competition . . . and Odyssey's in the running! This special occasion brings together a hometown reunion of long-lost friends, like the Barclay family, Lucy Cunningham-Sc...
The Singing Bible includes 50 original sing-along songs. It sets Scripture to music and includes memorable lyrics and tongue twisters, making understanding the Bible an exciting journey. This collection of 4 CDs is fast-paced and perf...