The Metamorphosis: And Other Short St...
Franz KafkaGregor Samsa, a seemingly typical man, wakes up one morning to discover he has been transformed into a gigantic insect. Frustrated and depressed about his physical alteration - and his family's rejection - Samsa's plight is filled wit...
Four Stories by Franz Kafka: A Hunger...
Franz KafkaThe bizarre story of a young man who awakens to find himself transformed into a large beetle is masterfully presented in this recording of Kafka's fascinating, sometimes disturbing and ultimately tragic study of human nature.
This new edition of Kafka's terrifying and comic masterpiece is the product of an international team of experts that used Kafka's original manuscript and notes to create this text that is as close as possible to the way the author lef...
The Metamorphosis, In The Penal Colon...
Franz KafkaKafka’s stories--bleak, painfully comic, enigmatic--are invariably about man’s alienation from daily life, but he creates a rich variety of worlds, from the absurdity of the hunger artist in his cage, to Gregor Samsa&rsquo...