The Diamond in Your Pocket: Discoveri...
GangajiThe Diamond in Your Pocket, the first major book release from Gangaji, describes our ever-ending search to find fulfillment, which, paradoxically, already exists if we will only stop long enough to discover its true source. Now,...
Innocence, Trust and Self-Betrayal
Gangaji'If you are willing to experience the pain of your own self-betrayal, that pain is a divine fire that reveals the power of the choice to suffer. The willingness to be pierced by this arrow is the willingness to be free. It is simply a...
'If you are willing to experience anything directly and immediately, whether good or bad, joyous or hateful, you will recognize that what you are running from does not exist, and what you are running toward is already here.'??To live ...
Gangaji and interviewer Chris Mohr read from and discuss familiar passages in the bible, offering a coherent context for the wisdom of Christ's teachings to permeate our present day awareness. Gangaji breathes a surprisingly fresh, li...
Ironically, a spiritual practice can become the obstacle to self-realization. In this compilation Gangaji addresses the topics of meditation and practice, when they are useful and when they are a hindrance. Her invitation is to stop e...
In the search for truth, there is only one question that needs to be answered: Who am I? This inquiry into the self is the core of advaita vedanta (radical non-dualism) - a timeless teaching for reclaiming your true identity: the infi...
'The desire for truth, for God, for freedom will never be satisfied even by the most exquisite experiences or states of mind. This is the realization that most people avoid because it is so radical, because it means that the desire fo...