Beyond Here Lies Nothing: The Concret...
Gary McMahonBen/b arrives in the Concrete Grove/b to research a book about the Northumbrian Poltergeist/b, an infamous paranormal incident from the early 1970s. A set of twins were haunted by a spirit they nicknamed Captain Clickety, and the medi...
Dead Bad Things: A Thomas Usher Novel...
Gary McMahonHE SOUGHT TO FLEE HIS TRAGIC PAST, but when Thomas Usher hears a clockwork voice on the phone, and sees ever-more disturbing visions in a derelict warehouse, Usher realizes that he has to return home - for the sake of his own sanity.M...
Silent Voices: The Concrete Grove Boo...
Gary McMahonTwenty years ago three young boys staggered out of an old building, tired and dirty yet otherwise unharmed. Missing for a weekend, the boys had no idea of where they'd been. But they all shared the same vague memory of a shadowed wood...