The End of Reincarnation: Breaking th...
Gary RenardGary Renardbest-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universeis fast gaining recognition and popularity as a teacher who can grasp and transmit the teachings of A Course in Miracles. Today he offers The End of Reinca...
The Disappearance of the Universe: St...
Gary RenardPursah and Arten are two intra-dimensional spirit beings who visited Gary Renard in the early 1990s, and who, over the course of 17 visits, instructed him about the nature of God, and the 'disappearance' of the book's title. Presented...
Secrets of the Immortal: Advanced Tea...
Gary RenardWhat if you could accelerate your spiritual progress so greatly that you would never have to 'come back' to learn more lessons? Is it possible that a form of 'advanced forgiveness'if fully understood and achievedcould brin...
Fearless love is the key to realizing heaven on earth, teaches Gary Renard. Why? Because ¿fearless love¿ allows you to fully experience who you really are and rediscover your connection with the divine. Now, this bestselling author ...