The Language of Sex: Experiencing the...
Gary SmalleyThere is a secret formula for the best sex of your life, but you won't find the recipe in the pages of a checkout-line magazine. Popular relationship expert Dr. Gary Smalley, best-selling author of The Language of Love and The Blessi...
For two years, Allen and Michele have been trying to have a baby. For Michele, it has become an obsession. But Allen seems content to spend his time--and their money--saving orphans in Africa. As Michele researches their options for f...
DNA of Relationships: Discover How Yo...
Gary SmalleyIn 'The DNA of Relationships,' Dr. Smalley tells listeners how to identify certain core fears lurking in the heart and appropriately deal with them so they no longer drive unhealthy patterns that can severely damage those close to the...
I Promise: How 5 Commitments Determin...
Gary SmalleyIn this audio, Dr. Gary Smalley discusses how five essential commitments determine the destiny of your marriage. America's foremost marriage expert has come to the remarkable conclusion that great marriages are not built on behavioral...
Smalley and Cunningham explore this often maligned and God-given emotion known as anger, and explain five specific tactics to deal with anger and rage and replace those feelings with forgiveness.
For the last five months, Tom Anderson has been without a job, a fact he's been hiding from his wife Jean--and everyone else. He leaves each morning, pretending nothing has changed, and spends his disheartening day rotating through tw...