Little White Lies of Love and Good In...
Gemma TownleyOpening a letter intended for her glamorous former roommate, Cressida, Natalie, a young woman who has always dreamed of attending the best parties and enjoying the company of celebrities and high-society friends, accepts an invitation...
The Importance of Being Married
Gemma TownleyJessica Wild isn't big on commitment. But after inheriting millions from Grace, a sweet old lady she met in her grandmother's nursing home, the situation seems to have changed. To put an end to the many questions about her nonexistent...
The Hopeless Romantic's Handbook
Gemma TownleyKnight wanted. Must have shiny armor and own horse, preferably white.When it comes to romance, are magic, fireworks, and a dashing knight in shining Armani really too much to ask? Apparently so, since Kate Hetherington has yet to find...
The disparate lives of two women—a single mother working hard to make ends meet and a young figure skater at the top of her game—entwine in an unforgettable novel of warmth, depth, and wisdom. Izzy and her daughter, Quinn, have b...