The "complex and moving"(The New Yorker) novel by Pulitzer Prize–winner Geraldine Brooks follows a rare manuscript through centuries of exile and war Inspired by a true story, People of the Book is a novel of sweeping hist...
Bethia Mayfield is a restless and curious young woman growing up in Martha's vineyard in the 1660s amid a small band of pioneering English Puritans. At age twelve, she meets Caleb, the young son of a chieftain, and the two forge a sec...
Young Anna Frith, a vicar's maid, is faced with the loss of her family, the disintegration of her local community, and a passionate, illicit love as she and her village confront the horrors of the plague, in a historical novel based o...
"A page turner. . .Brooks is a master at bringing the past alive. . .in her skillful hands the issues of the past echo our own deepest concerns: love and loss, drama and tragedy, chaos and brutality." – Alice Hoffman, Th...
The Best American Short Stories 2011 ...
Geraldine BrooksEdited by the award-winning, best-selling author Geraldine Brooks, this year's collection will be another "sure bet for gripping, emotional challenging reading" (San Diego Union-Tribune). With Brooks picking the best of the ...
Geraldine Brooks takes a very minor character from Louisa May Alcott’s LITTLE WOMEN--Mr. March, the girls’ preacher father--and makes him the main character in this Civil War novel, winner of the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for fi...