The stunning conclusion to the smash New York Times bestselling series the Wicked Years Hailed as "bewitching," "remarkable," "extraordinary," "engrossing," "amazing," and "deli...
IIt's the story of What-the-Dickens, a newly hatched orphan creature who finds he has an attraction to teeth, a crush on a cat named McCavity, and a penchant for getting into trouble. One day he happens upon a feisty girl skibberee w...
Son of a Witch Low Price (The Wicked ...
Gregory MaguireThe long-anticipated sequel to the million-copy bestselling novel Wicked Ten years after the publication of Wicked, beloved novelist Gregory Maguire returns at last to the land of Oz. There he introduces us to Liir, an adolescent b...
A Lion Among Men Low Price (The Wicke...
Gregory MaguireIn the much-anticipated third volume of the Wicked Years, we return to Oz, seen now through the eyes of the Cowardly Lion.While civil war looms in Oz, a tetchy oracle named Yackle prepares for death. Before her final hour, a figure kn...
From the multi-million-copy bestselling author of Wicked comes a magical new twist on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, published to coincide with the 150th anniversary of Lewis's Carroll's beloved classic.When Alice toppled down the ...
Hiddensee CD: A Tale of the Once and ...
Gregory MaguireIn this imaginative novel rooted in the rich soil of early-nineteenth-century German Romanticism, beloved New York Times bestselling author Gregory Maguire twins an origin legend of the famous Nutcracker with the life of Drosselmeier,...
Hiddensee Low Price CD: A Tale of the...
Gregory MaguireIn this imaginative novel rooted in the rich soil of early-nineteenth-century German Romanticism, beloved New York Times bestselling author Gregory Maguire twins an origin legend of the famous Nutcracker with the life of Drosselmeier,...
“A brilliant, perceptive, and deeply moving fable.” Boston Sunday Globe Publishers Weeklycalls Gregory Maguire’s Lost“a deftly written, compulsively readable modern-day ghost story.” Brill...
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wic...
Gregory MaguireHeralded as an instant classic of fantasy literature, Maguire has written a wonderfully imaginative retelling of The Wizard of Oz told from the Wicked Witch's point of view. More than just a fairy tale for adults, Wicked is a meditati...