Harry Bernstein

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The Invisible Wall: A Love Story That...

Harry Bernstein

“There are places that I have never forgotten. A little cobbled street in a smoky mill town in the North of England has haunted me for the greater part of my life. It was inevitable that I should write about it and the people wh...

Published: Feb 2008

The Dream: A Memoir

Harry Bernstein

"Dreams played an important part in our lives in those early days in England. Our mother invented them for us to make up for all the things we lacked and to give us some hope for the future."During the hard and bitter years ...

Published: Apr 2009

The Golden Willow

Harry Bernstein

Ruby and Harry Bernstein were married for almost 70 years, experiencing the best and the worst of the 20th century together.  Through the depression, a world war, the growth of the suburbs, building a family, and finally settling in ...

Unabridged CD
Published: May 2009
  • 1-3 of 3


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