The sequel to the acclaimed Rocket Boys continues the story of Coalwood, West Virginia, as the author and his fellow Rocket Boys face their senior year at Big Creek High, while the forces of change bring Coalwood to a difficult crossr...
Inspired by Werner von Braun and his Cape Canaveral team, 14-year-old Homer Hickam decided in 1957 to build his own rockets. They were his ticket out of Coalwood, West Virginia, a mining town that everyone knew was dying--everyone exc...
The Keeper's Son (Josh Thurlow Novels...
Homer HickamOn the island of Killakeet off the coast of the Carolinas in the midst of World War II, young Josh--son of the lighthouse keeper there--is now head of the Coast Guard station, rescuing boats menaced offshore by the German U-boats that...
The Ambassador's Son (Josh Thurlow No...
Homer HickamThe thrilling, quirky adventures of WWII Coast Guard Lt. Josh Thurlow continue in this sequel to THE KEEPER’S SON. Josh is patrolling the Solomon Islands when he’s given a new assignment: arrest or execute Lt. David Armist...