In this highly autobiographical novel, the protagonist, a boy named Jim, is interred in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp in China during World War II--separated from his parents, and forced to struggle for survival in an alien world. T...
On a day in April, just after three o'clock in the afternoon, Robert Maitland's car crashes over the concrete parapet of a high-speed highway onto the island below, where he is injured and, finally, trapped. What begins as an almost l...
J. G. Ballard's graphic, violent novel is controversial wherever it is read, even on's own Web page! The book's characters are obsessed with automobile accidents and are determined to narrate the horrors of the car crash as...
The Drowned World: A Novel (50th Anni...
J. G. BallardA thrilling adventure with "an oppressive power reminiscent of Conrad" (Kingsley Amis), considered by many to be Ballard's finest.First published in 1962, J.G. Ballard's mesmerizing and ferociously prescient novel imagines a...