In this follow-up to the highly successful Kill Zone, former Marine sniper Kyle Swanson faces his most deadly enemy yet, a legendary enemy sniper working with a fringe Islamic organization that has created a terrifying new weapon of m...
Shooter: The Autobiography of the Top...
Jack CoughlinMILITARY MEMOIR: Subtitle: The Autobiography of the Top-Ranked Marine Sniper With more than sixty confirmed kills, Gunnery Sergeant Jack Coughlin is the Marine Corps' top-ranked sniper. Shooter is his harrowing first-person account of...
An American general is captured in the Middle East. They threaten to behead him within days. But moments before he is rendered unconscious during the attack, the General realizes that his unseen captors are American. Gunnery Ser...
Clean Kill (Kyle Swanson Sniper Novel...
Jack CoughlinOn the heels of the New York Times bestselling Dead Shot comes the most thrilling installment of the Kyle Swanson series yet, in which an attempt at a new peace in the Middle East is shattered by an unknown attacker, and only Swanson ...