Set in Harlem during the middle decades of the 20th century, Baldwin’s saga of a family in crisis takes the form of a memoir. Narrated by the brother of a gospel singer who dies tragically, the book is an elegiac outpouring of g...
DIVJames Baldwin’s stunning first novel is now an American classic. With startling realism that brings Harlem and the black experience vividly to life, this is a work that touches the heart with emotion while it stimulates the mind ...
Published in 1962, this is an emotionally intense novel of love, hatred, race, and liberal America in the 1960s. Set in Greenwich Village, Harlem, and France, Another Country tells the story of the suicide of jazz–musician Rufus Sco...
Set in the 1950s Paris of American expatriates, liaisons, and violence, a young man finds himself caught between desire and conventional morality. With a sharp, probing imagination, James Baldwin's now-classic narrative delves into th...
Set in the 1950s Paris of American expatriates, liaisons, and violence, a young man finds himself caught between desire and conventional morality. With a sharp, probing imagination, James Baldwin's now–classic narrative delves into ...
A Classic Work on Race, Now Available for the First Time on Audio - read by Jesse L. Martin from Law & Order! At once a powerful evocation of his early life in Harlem and a disturbing examination of the consequences of racial injusti...
A young black man in Harlem begins to confront the legacy of anger and guilt he has inherited from his family. The story also explores the ways in which racial oppression has shaped the life of the family and the ways in which they tr...