Justice League of America: The Dark T...
James RobinsonBursting from the pages of BRIGHTEST DAY comes an all-new team-up of the Justice League of America and the Justice Society of America!The return of the hero called Jade in the pages of BLACKEST NIGHT heralds the release of the powerfu...
All-New Invaders Volume 2: Original S...
James RobinsonThe Original Sin event touches down in All-New Invaders! A secret is revealed that examines the critical relationships between Captain America, Namor the Sub-Mariner, the Winter Soldier, and the original Human Torch. What is this secr...
Earth 2 Vol. 2: The Tower of Fate (Th...
James RobinsonThe World Army has begun rounding up the super-heros of Earth 2, but for what reason? In an attempt to avoid capture, Dr. Fate and Kid Flash find themselves in the powerful magical realm of Nabu. The protector of Nabu, Wotan, seek...
Justice League of America: Omega (Jla...
James RobinsonWhen the villainous Crime Syndicate of Amerika and a mysterious dark energy attack our world, the Justice League of America is immediately put on the defensive. But as the JLA locks horns with their new otherworldly rivals, Dr. Impos...
Justice League of America: Team Histo...
James RobinsonA new era begins for the JLA as a one-time member falls before he can warn the team of looming peril — while what's left of the JLA journeys to the heart of their past to decide if the team has any future at all. Also in this volu...