Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collap...
James Wesley RawlesA fast-paced novel that follows a group of Christian survivalists through a stock market crash, an economic collapse, and a second civil war. This novel doesn't just tell readers what could happen in the near future, it explains exact...
Expatriates: A Novel of the Coming Gl...
James Wesley RawlesTheir America is gone forever After the United States suffers a major socio-economic meltdown, a power vacuum sweeps the globe. A newly-radicalized Islamic government has risen in Indonesia and-after invading the Philippines, East T...
Liberators: A Novel of the Coming Glo...
James Wesley RawlesThe New York Times bestselling author of Patriots and How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It returns with another riveting postapocalyptic tale New York Times bestselling author James Wesley, Rawles has won a large readersh...