A meticulously detailed historical novel, set against the turbulent backdrop of fifteenth-century Florence, chronicles the life and times of Madonna Lisa, the mysterious woman who becomes the subject of Leonardo da Vinci's most famous...
The Scarlet Contessa of Italian Renai...
Jeanne KalogridisWhat Philippa Gregory has done for Tudor England, Jeanne Kalogridis does for Renaissance Italy. Her latest irresistible historical novel is about a countess whose passion and willfulness knew no bounds—Caterina Sforza Daughter of th...
The Scarlet Contessa of the Italian R...
Jeanne KalogridisHistorical fiction author Jeanne Kalogridis tells the remarkable story of Caterina Sforza, daughter of the Duke of Milan and the bravest warrior Renaissance Italy ever knew.
The Devil's Queen of Catherine de Med...
Jeanne KalogridisConfidante of Nostradamus, scheming mother-in-law to Mary, Queen of Scots, and architect of the bloody St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, Catherine de Medici is brought to life by Jeanne Kalogridis, the bestselling author of I, Mona Lisa...
Catherine de Medici is one of the most maligned monarchs in history: blamed for the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in which hundreds of innocents died. What motivated this Renaissance woman who was born of Florence's most powerful fam...