The Rapture; Countdown to Earth's Las...
Jerry B. JenkinsIn the moments leading up to the Rapture, nobody knows it is coming as the clock silently ticks down. Choices are made. The stage is set as Nicolae Carpathia ruthlessly eliminates any obstacles in his rise to power. In the twinkling o...
Soon: The Beginning of the End (Under...
Jerry B. JenkinsPaul Stepola, an agent working for the National Peacekeeping Organization (NPO), has been assigned to enforce compliance with the world government's prohibition on religion. Paul relishes his job and is good at it. He is determined to...
The Vanishings (Left Behind: The Kids...
Jerry B. JenkinsInspired by the Left Behind series for adults, this book is part of the series that tells the story of four young people and their struggle to find faith and redemption after being left behind on Earth after the Rapture and Tribulatio...
Mark's Story is a thrilling account that vividly depicts the last day before Jesus' crucifixion and the danger that early believers faced as they boldly proclaimed Jesus as Christ the Lord
As the youngest bureau chief and head of the Chicago Police Department's Major Case Squad, Boone Drake seems to have it all under control. Only those closest to him know that just a few short years ago, he lost everything that mattere...
With millions of copies sold, Left Behind: The Kids series is a favorite of kids age 10-14. The series follows teens that were 'left behind,' who have nothing left but their newfound faith in Jesus Christ. Determined to stand up for G...
The Rapture: In the Twinkling of an E...
Jerry B. JenkinsIn the moments leading up to the Rapture, nobody knows it is coming as the clock silently ticks down. Choices are made. The stage is set as Nicolae Carpathia ruthlessly eliminates any obstacles in his rise to power. In the twinkling o...
Earthquake! (Left Behind: The Kids #1...
Jerry B. JenkinsInspired by the Left Behind series for adults, this book is part of the series that tells the story of four kids and their struggle to find faith and redemption after being left behind on Earth after the Rapture and Tribulation. In th...
Soul Harvest: An Experience in Sound ...
Jerry B. JenkinsAired on radio stations nationwide, the dramatic audio versions of the 'Left Behind' book series are drawing loyal listeners the world over. This product contains all 12 25-minute radio segments, less commercial breaks, in an affordab...
Desecration Experience in Sound and D...
Jerry B. JenkinsThe 'Experience in Sound and Drama' series of audio products from Left Behind have captured the minds and ears of fiction fans worldwide. Aired on hundreds of radio stations nationwide as well as the worldwide web, this package of twe...
Through the Flames (Left Behind: The ...
Jerry B. JenkinsThis series is based on the best-selling adult Left Behind series. Readers will see the Rapture and Tribulation through the eyes of four kids who have been left behind. To help Lionel in his search for his uncle, Ryan spies on Andr...
Nicolae High (Left Behind: The Kids #...
Jerry B. JenkinsThese latest volumes of the hot-selling Left Behind juvenile series continue the story of four kids left behind after the Rapture. With themes and events that parallel the adult series, these books carry Left Behind's important messag...
The Regime (Before They Were Left Beh...
Jerry B. JenkinsThe second prequel will continue the story of the rise of the Antichrist and the journey of the other main characters as, unknown to them, time hurtles toward the Rapture. Readers will want every possible soul saved to avoid the seven...
Second Chance (Left Behind: The Kids ...
Jerry B. JenkinsPicking up where The Vanishings left off, Second Chance is just that: at the close of book one, Judd, Vicki, Lionel, and Ryan met up at New Hope Village Church and got the Good News from now-humbled pastor Bruce Barnes (who, despite h...
The newest thrilling tale of intrigue from best-selling author Jerry B. Jenkins combines adventure, spiritual warfare, and biblical archeology with Da Vinci Code-like flair.Nicole Berman is determined to find there the first concrete...
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jerry B. Jenkins comes a heart-stopping biblical adventure of historical proportions. Nicole Berman is an archaeologist on the brink of a world-changing discovery. Preparing for her first dig...
The Rising: Antichrist is born Before...
Jerry B. JenkinsThis book is the initial installment of Countdown to the Rapture, a prequel series to Left Behind, Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins's bestselling Christian post-apocalyptic series. It concerns the early careers and precursors of the ma...