Solomon's Oak is the story of three people who have suffered losses that changed their lives forever: Glory Solomon, a young widow who struggles to hold on to her Central California farm; fourteen-year-old Juniper McGuire, who arrives...
Chloe Morgan is a thirty-three-year-old part-time waitress, small-time horse trainer, and full-time thoroughly toughened Western woman living in a corner of the dwindling canyonlands of Southern California. Calloused and wary, Chloe ...
In the sequel to Hank & Chloe, Chloe arrives at Hank's doorstep pregnant with his child, and the couple settles into an awkward domesticity that is further complicated when Junior Whitebear falls in love with Chloe. Reprint. Tour....
Solomon's Oak is the story of three people who have suffered losses that changed their lives forever.