No Time Like the Past: The Chronicles...
Jodi TaylorThe fifth book in the bestselling British madcap time-travelling series, served with a dash of wit that seems to be everyone's cup of tea.Behind the seemingly innocuous facade of St. Mary's Institute of Historical Research, a differen...
A Second Chance: The Chronicles of St...
Jodi TaylorThe third book in the bestselling British madcap time-travelling series, served with a dash of wit that seems to be everyone’s cup of tea.Behind the seemingly innocuous facade of St. Mary’s Institute of Historical Research, a diff...
Just One Damned Thing After Another: ...
Jodi TaylorThe first book in the bestselling British madcap time-travelling series, served with a dash of wit that seems to be everyone's cup of tea."History is just one damned thing after another." -Arnold ToynbeeBehind the seemingly ...
A Symphony of Echoes: The Chronicles ...
Jodi TaylorThe second book in the bestselling British madcap time-travelling series, served with a dash of wit that seems to be everyone's cup of tea.Behind the seemingly innocuous facade of St. Mary's Institute of Historical Research, a differe...
A Trail Through Time: The Chronicles ...
Jodi TaylorThe fourth book in the bestselling British madcap time-travelling series, served with a dash of wit that seems to be everyone’s cup of tea.Behind the seemingly innocuous facade of St. Mary’s Institute of Historical Research, a dif...