Planning a leisurely end to a week-long cruise, minister Alan Rockaway, his new bride Jenny, and his son Jeff, decide to take a fascinating submarine exploration of Caribbean waters, but a tragic accident quickly turns the adventurous...
EDGE-OF-YOUR-SEAT SUSPENSE...AND SOMETHING MORE...! A father trapped in a terrible underwater accident. A son desperate to do something--anything--to save him. A digital read-out ticking down toward certain death--and a fate more h...
Relentless: The Power You Need to Nev...
John BevereYou already have what it takes to finish well! Christians were never meant to "just get by." You were created to rise above adversity and display greatness! In this compelling audio book, best-selling author John Bevere expl...
Driven by Eternity: Make Your Life Co...
John BevereWhat will your eternity look like? What if you learned you were part of an experiment where the next 24 hours would determine the quality of the rest of your life? Everything from the job you hold to the neighborhood and house you l...
Enemy Access Denied: Slam the Door on...
John BeverePrevious sales of almost 100,000 copies of The Devil's Door indicate that Christians want to know how to walk free from sin and deny the enemy access. What is the key? In this revised and retitled best-selling book, John Bevere reveal...