In the sequel to Weapons of Choice, both the Axis and Allies have the use of nuclear weapons, computer technology, and advanced knowledge of the supposed course of the war, as Hitler and Stalin form an alliance, the Japanese invade Ha...
Weapons of Choice (The Axis of Time T...
John BirminghamIn a first installment of a three-part alternate history epic, America's World War II fleet is decimated by a multi-national task force sent back in time from the year 2021, forcing Admiral Nimitz and Rear Admiral Spruance to make the...
Final Impact (The Axis of Time Trilog...
John BirminghamIn the climax of an alternate history trilogy that began with Weapons of Choice and Designated Targets, the Axis and Allied forces race to build an atom bomb, while a revitalized Soviet Union threatens to unleash a new wave of destruc...
March 14, 2003, was the day the world changed forever. A wave of energy slammed into North America and devastated the continent. The U.S. military, poised to invade Baghdad, was left without a commander in chief. Global order spiraled...
For fans of Jim Butcher and Kevin Hearne comes an action-packed new urban fantasy series featuring a tough, bleakly funny, down-on-his luck oil rig worker with an unlikely destiny as a monster-slayer and savior of the planet. "M...
Angels of Vengeance (Without Warning)...
John Birmingham"A seamless fusion of alternate history, postapocalyptic fiction, and espionage-fueled thriller."—Publishers WeeklyWhen an inexplicable wave of energy slams into North America, the world is plunged into turmoil—as wars e...