In the early years of the 1940s, as the nation's young men ship off to combat, a city springs up, seemingly overnight in the fields of Oklahoma: the Van Damme airplane factory, a gargantuan complex dedicated to the construction of th...
Writer Crowley has gained a solid reputation for his erudite and compelling novels that mix elements of fantasy with plotlines that might be familiar to readers of Updike and Cheever. In this departure from his fantasy roots, Crowley ...
John Crowley's masterful 'Little, Big' is the epic story of Smoky Barnable, an anonymous young man who travels by foot from the City to a place called Edgewood--not found on any map--to marry Daily Alice Drinkawater, as was prophesied...
There is more than one history of the world. Before science defined the modern age, other powers, wondrous and magical, once governed the universe, their lore perfected within a lost capital of hieroglyphs, wizard-kings, and fabulous ...
The acclaimed reality-altering finale to the 'dizzying experience, achieved with unerring security of technique' that is the ®gypt cycle (The New York Times Book Review) This is the fourth novel-the much anticipated conclusion-in...
The Solitudes (The Aegypt Cycle)
John CrowleyReengaging the ideas of alternate lives, worlds, and worldviews that pulsed through his remarkable Little, Big, John Crowley's Ægypt series is a landmark in contemporary fiction. The series helped earn Crowley the American Acad...