New York City: A thirteen-year-old boy named Tyler lies in a hospital, his brain damaged in a tragic accident. By his bedside, his father stands helplessly, as two very different scientists take charge of the boy's fate. One is a neur...
divNot since Jurassic Park has a novel so enthralled readers everywhere. Now, enter the world of Neanderthal...The expedition of the century...uncovers the find of the millennium...Neanderthal.In the remote mountains of central Asia, ...
The phrase separated at birth takes on a terrifying new meaning in this riveting medical thriller from the author of Neanderthal. When tabloid journalist Jude Harley and a distraught young man known only as Skyler meet on the streets...
In this riveting new novel, bestselling author John Darnton transports us to Victorian England and around the world to reveal the secrets of a legendary nineteenth-century figure. Darnton elegantly blends the power of fact and the ins...
New York City: a thirteen-year-old boy named Tyler lies in a hospital, his brain damaged in a tragic accident. By his bedside, his father stands helplessly, as two very different scientists take charge of the boy's fate. One is a neur...