In this convoluted yet brilliantly executed thriller from John Katzenbach, a one-night stand goes terribly awry when graduate student Ashley Freeman goes home with a man who later turns out to be a psychopath. Katzenbach keeps the su...
Three ordinary women with nothing in common. They are different ages, come from different backgrounds, and lead drastically different lives. The only thing that binds them together is their red hair-and that each of them has been targ...
Twenty-five years ago, Jeffrey and Susan Clayton fled their tyrannical father--a man who was later suspected in the heinous murder of a young student. Though the father was never charged, he committed suicide. Or so it seemed. For som...
A retired university professor has just been diagnosed with a rare degenerative disease. Returning home from the doctor's office, he witnesses a pretty young girl being kidnapped. Believing the police are dragging their feet, he vows ...
A Manhattan psychiatrist, Dr. Ricky Starks, is tormented by a stalker who calls himself Rumplestiltskin and who manages to more or less ruin Starks's life in the space of two weeks. Starks is forced to fake his own death and go into h...
"No one has ever done what I intend to do. Three wildly different victims. Three distinct locations. Three different deaths. All on the same day. Within hours of each other. Deaths that tumble together like dominoes. Each one fal...